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News: Bobby Amore News

i-Potato Music, Inc
i=Potato is music for the Hearing Prepared
i-Potato is a music company.
Bobby's good friend Even Steven Levee is one of the owners of i-Potato Music.
Even is also the builder of this web site. It is important we recognize Even's music
as an invention. Although Even considers this to be the off spring of a group
of creative minds jammed together in close quarters bouncing their thoughts off walls
until thoughts collide splitting the frequencies down to the molecular boundaries causing
the birth of each song. If anyone of these songs makes it to your ears the mission is complete.
and the promotion begins. This maybe a bit hard to understand however, it still proves that
we can all reach our goals if we try no matter how creative and no matter how many great
minds it may take.

Listen To The Water: by Gun Hill produced by i-Potato Music

ClickHere for more Music from i-Potato and AFU Goodfriends

American Heart Association

Chelsea Piers
Chelsea Piers

Bobby Amore at IMDB.COM